GATE (ASET) Mock Exams

Find out how My Academy Online GATE (ASET) Mock Exams can help your child.

The GATE (ASET) mock exam will run the students through the 4 areas that are examined in the order they are sat.

The exam starts with the reading comprehension, followed by the written expression with then Quantitative Reasoning and finally Abstract Reasoning. It is a great opportunity for the students to become comfortable with the exam environment and lessen any anxieties they might have about the exam.  For some it might be the first real exam they have sat and the more preparation for the actual day the better.

What can a My Academy Online GATE (ASET) Mock Exam offer?

The University of South Australia has completed a study on exam anxiety and states that “Preparing yourself for an exam is like an athlete preparing for a major event. Not only do you need to feel committed to the event and think positively about it, but you also need to actively prepare for it.  Exams are physically demanding as well as mentally and emotionally demanding. You will need to look after your body too if want to successfully make it through the exam period.”

The GATE (ASET) mock exam is designed to give the students the much-needed practise and to be as prepared as possible.  It gives the students the opportunity to experience the exam timing and develop their confidence before the actual event. 

The scores for the three multiple-choice exams will be instant, with the writing being marked by an experienced GATE (ASET) tutor once it has been submitted for marking.

How can My Academy Online GATE (ASET) Mock Exams help?

Our Online GATE (ASET) Mock Exams allow you to assess your current knowledge and skills. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you can focus your efforts where they are needed most.  Mock exams are like dress rehearsals for the big performance – they provide you with the opportunity to practice, learn, and refine your exam-taking skills.  Our mock exams help you master time management during the actual exam. You will learn to allocate your time wisely across different sections.

My Academy offers 3 sets of Mock Exams.  These are designed to be taken with time in between to practise any skills that might have needed improving.  We would recommend at least a month in between exams for practising skills before attempting the next Mock Exam.  As with the real exam, there is only one chance to impress, so taking the Mock Exams repeatedly until 100% is achieved will not be beneficial. 

Our mock exams help boost your confidence by simulating the actual exam. This will reduce anxiety on the exam day and improve your overall performance.

The GATE (ASET) Mock Exams are available to book throughout the year.  

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